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Constitution & By-Laws Ministry

Constitution & By-Laws Ministry

The Constitution and By-Laws Ministry of Zion Benevolent Baptist Church is called to proclaim Christ through our efforts to maintain order and direction to the church family. 1 Corinthians 14:40

This ministry shall establish a set of rules and regulations by which the church body is to be governed. Amendments shall be made when warrant. The Bible was given as a guide and an inspiration from God that is useful to teach us what is true and false within seasons. However, a member shall realize in the course of time and with new growth this Constitution and By-Laws doctrine is inevitable for amendments, reproof, and corrections. This ministry shall demonstrate His spirit through respect as we study, be mindful of the rules presented, and implement changes as needed. Once the Constitution and By-Laws have be adopted and approved by the members, the rules shall be followed through with reverence and by the Gospel of Christ. The church beliefs it's evangelical Christian faith to maintain, worship God, and to inspire in all a love for Christ. This ministry shall show a passionate for what is right and be conscious to perform duties to God and the church family. Timothy 3:16-17

Pastor Travien Capers
[email protected]

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